Welcome to Taurus4's Sonic Spinball Walkthrough!
Sonic Spinball

Sonic Spinball is by far the HARDEST Sonic game on ANY system. Created in November of 1993, Sonic Spinball is an adventure/pinball game in which Sonic tries to free his friends from Robotnik's Veg-O-Fortress. If you've played Sonic 2's Casino Night Zone, then you know what this is like. The only way you can possibly beat this game is with a Game Genie, no other way. The object in this game is to get the Chaos Emeralds that Robotnik is using to power up is fortress. There are 3 in the first two stages and 5 in the rest. Good luck, you're gonna need it.
Toxic Caves
This is the easiest stage. Don't stand on the platform at the bottom for too long, or the Rexxon will come up and chomp you. The first Emerald is in a large vat. You must knock out the levers on both sides of the vat to drain it. Then, go up and use the barrel to row yourself to the emerald. The other 2 are on the mine cart. Go up to he area with the barrels and knock out the levers on both sides. Go on the mine cart and go all the way down on both sides for the next 2 emeralds. Now you can go to the boss. The boss here is a scorpion type monster. The easiest way to defeat him is to jump in his tail and bounce around in there. Once the tail comes off, keep hitting his back to defeat him.
Lava Powerhouse
Watch out for the lava here, and be careful not to slip into the vat of lava at the bottom. The first emerald here is easy. Just go up the middle using the Clucks to launch yourself up the tube. The emerald is at the top. You may notice the other two emeralds right there in two tubes to the left and right of the main one. You have to go up the left or right side of the stage and flip yourself into either of the tunnels. Keep jumping to make the air jets push you up to the emerald. The boss of this stage is a vat of hot gas with 4 Robotnik heads circling around in them. Just get in there and knock them out. Easy as that.
The Machine
Two of the emeralds in here are in the main room, just time your jumps right when you jump in the holes. Two emeralds are on the sides. Use the flippers to go up the side rooms. One of the many tunnels leads to the emerald. The same goes for the tall room on the other side. At the top there is a giant room full of Roboticizer tubes. Break them open to free the animals. The one in the very middle holds the fifth emerald. Get it to open up the boss room at the top of the stage. This boss is Robotnik in a large machine. He sends animals into the machine and roboticizes them. Knock out the tubes that send the animals into the roboticizer. Once that's done, jump up and knock the roboticizer out. Now on to the final stage.
This is by far the hardest stage in any Sonic game. For the first emerald, go up and knock out the thingie that's stopping you from going up any farther. Get the emerald. Now go into the two side rooms. If you use the flippers and shoot yourself up you'll go into a tube with the emerald. Now shoot yourself outside and jump down the extreme sides of the stage. Use the flipper to catapult yourself back up the sides. Catapult into a tube that gets you the emerald and sends you back down the side. Now that you have all 5 emeralds, go up to the middle top of the stage where these missiles are falling down. Jump up the missiles and into Robotnik's ship. Robotnik is HUGE! I didn't know he was that big! Or fat, however you want to put it. Anyway, hit the plunger beneath his Egg-O-Matic. Everytime you hit the plunger, something different will happen. Claws could come out that grab you and drop you back down when you use the flippers to go up. Socks could suck you in and throw you at the windows. If that happens 3 times, the window will break and you will fall back to the board. You'll have to get back up there and start over again. If you go up and nothing happens, it'll be open. When this happens, do NOT hit the plunger again! Keep going up the sides and plug Robotnik on the top of his ship. After 10 hits he's gone for. You've beaten the game!
The Special Stage
There is none!
The Codes
Level Select
Go into options and type A, Down, B, Down, C, Down, A, B, Up, A, C, Up, B, C, Up. You should hear a ring if it worked. Now, at the title screen when you press Start,
Hold Nothing for Level 1-Toxic Caves
Hold A for Level 2-Lava Powerhouse
Hold B for Level 3-The Machine
Hold C for Level 4-Showdown
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