Welcome to Taurus4's Walkthrough for Sonic Triple Trouble!
Sonic Triple Trouble

Sonic Triple Trouble (Sonic and Tails 2 in Japan), the first Game Gear game with Knuckles the Echidna and Nack the Weasel. You also have the ability here to play as Sonic or Tails, so choose wisely. Snowboarding and the Sea Fox submarine are also brand new things featured in this game. Whoopee! Both Sonic and Tails have their own moves. Holding Down and pressing a button will both do the spin dash for them. Holding Up and pressing a button will do different things though. For Tails, he'll do his patented twin-tail flight. For Sonic, he'll do his awesome Super Peel Out. (It ain't Figure 8 like in Sonic CD, but it's a peel out nonetheless.)
Great Turquoise Zone
This zone is pretty easy and straight-forward. There are limited enemies here. There aren't any spikes here either. At the beginning of Act 1, go all the way to the top left if playing as Tails for a Super Flight power-up. The boss of this zone is pretty simple. When you first meet him, you'll be partially underwater, so the added buoyamcy of your jump will get you high enough to hit his underside. Peg him 4 times and he'll fly up to the surface. Then, little spring badniks will come out. Use one to follow him to the surface. Up here, you won't be able to jump high enough straight out to hit him. What you must do is use the spring badniks to jump up. In the air, press Down and jump to roll into a ball and hit his belly again. Four hits will kill him. After this, your character will run to the right only to encounter Knuckles who smashes a button which calls on many flames that send you flying to Sunset Park Zone.
Sunset Park Zone
This is a pretty cool zone. There are many rollercoaster carts throughout. Jump in one and press Down and any button to get yourself rolling. There's a great secret in Act 2. Once at Act 2, climb up as far as possible after the rollercoaster ride that begins the Act. Head right and fall through the first exploding bridge into an area with nearly 200 rings! After this, finish the act. Everything is normal. But then, the turnstile falls through the ground and everything starts to rumble. You're on a train! As the train begins to move, you must keep running to catch up to the front where you'll stop this thing. You'll encounter a whole bunch of bird bots at first that will drop mace balls on you. Kill them quickly. Then, you'll come across a whole bunch of gaps in the train. A simple jump will get you across them. Then, you'll meet twice as many bird bots as before. Same strategy here. Finally, you'll get to the front of the train. As you come close, peg him. He doesn't flash to show he's been hit, but if you bounce off him then you'll know you got him. Then, you'll fall back a little. Jump the mace ball that he shoots backwards at you. Repeat this pattern 8 times to take him out.
Meta Junglira Zone
This zone isn't extremely difficult. Be aware that you will bounce an incredible lot thanks to the pinball type balloons and he bounce jugs, not to mention many springs hidden in the ground. In Act 3, travel as usual until you get to a whole bunch of balloons. Break a few and try to get to the plaform in the top left. Through the wooden tree trunk is a ten ring monitor. You'll need it. Continue on down and right and you'll come to the catepillar boss. He'll swing back and forth. As you hit him, he'll rear up and try to smash down. Just jump on his head and keep bouncing up there to avoid all of his attacks. After 8 hits, his body will crumble. Then, 8 fireballs will rain down from the trees. Use the spindash to avoid them. After they are gone, you'll continue to a cliffside where Knuckles will hit a switch and send fire your way once again. This time however, the fire sends you to Robotnik Winter Zone.
Robotnik Winter Zone
At the very beginning of Act 1 and scattered throughout the zone, you'll see monitors. If you're playing as Sonic, the monitors will carry snowboards for you to zoom through the zone. If you're Tails, the monitors will contain hyper flight icons. Sometimes during the zone, you'll fall into long bottomless pits. Don't scream "NOOO!" just yet! Hold Up on the controller and a draft of wind should blow you all the way back up to where you're supposed to be. This only works on the narrow pits. Now for the boss. He isn't extremely hard. But his at is a little difficult. Act 3 is an uphill trudge the whole way and the boss sends ski bots at you before you get to him, so it's kind of difficult to keep your rings, but it's not to hard. When you get to him, the egg boss will shoot ski bots out of his mouth as he floats up in the air. Destroy each bot as it comes at you and hit him in the jaw afterwards. When you hit him 3 times, his first rocket keeping him up will go out. After 2 more hits, his second rocket will go out. Two hits later, he'll lose all his attacks on you and float backwards to a pit to try to protect himself. Supposedly, it thinks you can't get him without dieing yourself. That's what he thinks! Smash him one last time to make him lose that last rocket. He'll explode as he takes a LONG fall. Jump down after him. When you hit the bottom, you'll run to the right. SMACK! "Who put that cliff in my way?" There's a button up top too. You know what that means, Knuckles! He smashes the button and laughs as usual. But instead of fire coming up, an avalanche of ice and snow comes down shoving you to Tidal Plant Zone.
Tidal Plant Zone
Underwater action! Now this is more like it! As you travel through this zone as Tails, you'll encounter the famous submarine, the Sea Fox. You won't get this as Sonic since he got the snowboard in Robotnik WInter zone. Oh well. And speaking of Tails, he can't fly underwater. He can't even swim like in Sonic 3! Now this zone might be a little bit harder! Lucky for you, the Sea Fox contains little metal balls it can shoot when you press button 1. The metal balls are only for breaking blocks though. To defeat badniks, smash them with the underside of the ship. One hit will make the Sea Fox vanish though. Of course, being that you're underwater, you must breath air to survive. The Sea Fox has an unlimited air supply, but when you're not using the submarine, grab the air bubbles floating in the water or just plain get out of the water. Sometimes you'll come to pink and blue plungers. Jump on it to release an air bubble that you can hop inside and use to float upwards. Like in Electric Egg zone of Sonic Chaos, there are warp tubes here. Travel through them to find secrets and power-up monitors. You cannot enter a warp tube in the Sea Fox. If you come across trouble, remember that you can even spin dash with the Sea Fox! Hold Down and press Button 2 to spin dash. As you can see, it takes quite a bit of work to make it to Act 3 alive. Luckily, you start Act 3 in the Sea Fox if you're Tails. After you pick up a ten ring monitor, you encounter the boss. This time, Knuckles attacks with a submarine of his own! He will shoot two balls like the ones you shoot upwards. Float between the hole between them. He'll also shoot a red missile you must avoid. You can blow up the balls and missiles with the drill on the front of your submarine. Fire on of your balls to hit him. If you get hit, the Sea Fox will explode and you'll have to beat this boss the Sonic way. Use spin dashes to dodge the balls and missiles and jump to hit the boss. After 24 hits, Knuckles' ship explodes and you run along to the final zone.
Atomic Destroyer Zone
Welcome to Atomic Destroyer! This zone isn't incredibly hard to begin with. The warp tubes make more appearances here, and few paths lead to victory, so choose wisely. All around you'll find plungers. If there's a little platform next to it, then a bouncing egg robot will jump out of it. If there's a laser next to it, the laser will fire. In Act 2, you'll come to a warp tube that will lead you to a room with many warp tubes. The room will get very confusing unless you follow these directions. Jump in the first tube and follow the directions below trying to collect rings along the way: Left, Right, Right, Down. You'll land on a plunger which will release 3 bouncebots. After you kill them, jump up and to the right. Go up and right until you come to an elevator like the ones you encounter throughout the zone. This elevator will take you out of this confusing room. Keep going, avoiding the spikes and the plungers, and continue on through another elevator you'll come to. You'll come down to an area where you can continue down and to the left. If you don't go this way, you'll go in an endless circle and waste a lot of time. You'll come to some more warp tubes. Don't enter the first one on your right, fall in the pit and go in the one down there. If you go right when you stop, you'll get an extra life. Stop yourself by going as far right through the warp tubes as possible, then going straight down. You'll land on a spring without the power to bounce you back up. Now fly to the left and to the plunger. It's OK to hit it. Fly up and left. You'll see a warp station. (like a warp tube but it catapults you through the air instead of through tunnels) attached to a platform on the platform's left. Jump in it and go up. Then go right. You'll be shot to the end of the act. Finally! Now, for the final act of the game. As you start off, you'll get a lot of rings. Soon, you'll run into an open space and be chased by none other than, Mecha Sonic! He'll knock you to the ground to start off the fight. Don't worry, you won't lose any rings with that hit. He'll begin flying in downwards arcs from either side. Smash him as he comes down at you. After a few of these, he'll activate his energy shield and will start flying across the bottom of the screen very fast. Jump over each of his flybys. He'll do this about 8 times and repeat the pattern. Fourteen hits does him in. Next up, Sonic (or Tails) Vs. Nack! OK, maybe not! As soon as an earthquake occurs, Nack is outta there faster than you can say "Show me the money!" Better yet, you have to fight Robotnik! He attacks in a bouncing machine. Eight hits kills him and all he can do is crush you, so take this guy out quickly. Next, he'll try and fire you down. He'll float overhead and after 3 direction changes, he fires a stream of fireballs straight down. Dodge the stream. He's even easier this time. Eighteen hits will beat him. Then, his flame thrower drops to the ground. The thing splits apart and flies off in two different directions, so JUMP! Next, he'll try to elecrocute you with the electric charge where the flame thrower was. Lucky for you, one hit kills this form. Just bang him underneath before he gets a chance to shoot you. His next form is much harder. He goes up and down in two tubes on each side. He alternates tubes so you know when to attack him. The hard part is avoiding the bullets flying down from above. When he tries to electrocute the whole chamber (he comes up and stays there while everything else stops) you need to get into the other tube. If this doesn't stop the process, it will protect you from it. After 8 hits, Robotnik will come up in the right tube and try to run away as usual. Except this time, you'll blow up his getaway platform, get the Yellow Chaos Emerald from him, and continue on to free Knuckles who's been trapped in a cage and realizes now who the REAL good guys are! Then, you and Knux shake hands. Aww, how sweet! Then, he glides off the stage and you follow him. The ending is nothing but Nack showing you how many emeralds you didn't get. That ending's stupid!
Special Stage
In every Act 1 and 2, there are Red Chaos Emerald monitors scattered around (1 per act). If you have 50 rings when you bag one, a star ring will appear high above your head. Jump in it to be transported to the special stage. There are two different kinds of special stages. In one, there are a buttload of springs. You must use them to maneuver around the stage to your advantage as well as avoid them when they hinder you. Destroy Time Monitors along the way to increase the amount of time you have to beat the stage. (You start out with 1:30.) Blow up the black spring machines along the way with a direct hit from above. At the end of the zone, you'll meet up with Nack the Weasel who'll try to use Knuckles button tactic, but only to make it backfire in his face. Chase him as he runs away and grab the emerald on the pedestal. In the other special stage, you fly around inside Tails plane and try to collect the amount of rings specified. Watch out for the bombs which make you lose your rings! After collecting the correct amount of rings, you'll fight Nack in a machine that he can't even control well. After a whole bunch of easy hits, his machine explodes and you chase him to the emerald once again. We have no idea what happens when you get all 6 emeralds. (you see from the intro that Knuckles has hidden 5 of the 6 emeralds in these special stages while Robotnik steals the sixth one for his own purposes) So we don't know if there's a Super Sonic or not.
The Codes
Level Select
Hold Up while turning on the Game Gear. On the intro screen when Knuckles picks up the third gem, press Start. Select your character and after that screen, the level select will come up.
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