Welcome to Taurus4's Walkthrough for Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Walkthrough!
Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Even though called Sonic 3 this is the fifth installment in his series of Sega Genesis games. This game was created in February 2, 1994, "Hedgehog" Day. The zones in this game may only be 2 acts, but the acts were twice as big as the ones in Sonic 2. Therefore there was a lot more to discover in this game. Just realize that if you're locking on Sonic and Knuckles you'll be heading over ground not mentioned in here sometimes. Enjoy!
Angel Island Zone
This is the first zone and the easiest. The main dangers are water, robo rhinos, and monkeys in the trees. Look all around because the special stage rings are easy to find. Be on the lookout for spikes too. At act 1's end Robotnik sends a robot that shoots fire. Avoid the fire and jump on top. 6 hits will kill it. At act 2's end Robotnik shows up in a machine that shoots fireballs. Hit it once then jump off the bridge QUICK! One fireball will destroy the bridge. Dodge the fireballs and hit him 8 times. Free the animals from the floating tank and Knuckles will show up and hit a button sending you falling into Hydro City.
Hydro City Zone
This stage is another water stage except bigger. Better be on the lookout for air bubbles. Try to stay above water. Bubble shields are very handy here. At the end of act 1 you have to fight a robot that spins around the sides. Jump it then and hit it when it lands on the pole. Enjoy the ride when you go for a spin. Watch out for the walls in act 2. At the end of this act Robotnik comes to stir up trouble. Be careful, he'll stir up the water in a whirlpool. Stay away and jump on the bombs he releases right before they go off. They'll blast you up so try to land on Robotnik for a hit.
Marble Garden Zone
This zone is kind of easy. Be careful, sometimes the walls will close in. Tails is a real help here to lift you to useful places. At the end of act 1 you'll fight a double drill bot. Hit him when his drills are up. Dodge the staclitites and rocks and stay away when he comes down. At act 2's end Tails will air lift you when Robotnik comes. Hit him with Tails' tails underneath him when his drills are forward. Dodge him every other time.
Carnival Night Zone
This zone is reminiscent to Casino Night in Sonic 2. At the end of act 1 you'll fight a robot with a spike bottom. The easiest way to kill him is to jump on his top. The spike bottom will separate and home in on you. If you're jumping on the top of the robot it will hit itself. In act 2 you may become trapped in a room with a big spinning cylinder. Press up when it goes up, and hold down when it goes down. At act 2's end you'll face Robotnik again. He'll drop a ball. Avoid it and the electricity it creates. Hit Robotnik when he comes down to pick the ball up.
Ice Cap Zone
Be careful when underground. If your going through an endless loop there's a big rock to get on somewhere that will break through the necessary wall. Spin dash into a platform to make it move up. At act 1's end you'll fight a robot that has a ice forcefield. Hit him underneath when he comes down and dodge it's other attacks. At act 2's end Robotnik will come with a freezing machine. Hit it by getting on the stand and jumping. Dodge it's freezers. It's freezers go off in this pattern: left, up, right, up.
Launch Base Zone
This is the final and hardest zone. Watch out for the Orbinauts. At act 1's end you fight a machine with rotating spiked balls. Dodge the spiked balls and hit him when you can. At act 2's end you must fight 3 bosses. The first is a cannon. Get underneath the stand when the top ball fires. When the bottom ball fires get on the stand and jump at him. Then jump over the ball when it rolls back down. Jump in the Egg-o-Matic to get to the second boss which is a ship that shoots rays. Jump over the rays and jump on the cockpit when the star is not above it. After 8 hits the final boss appears. Jump over it's claws and hit it. When it's at the top stay out from under- beneath it. When it comes to the bottom stay behind the spikes. After 8 hits you've beaten the game!
The Special Stages
In this game there are 2 special stages. All over the zones are hidden rings that look like the end act on from Sonic 1. Jump into them to get to the 3-D sphere stage. Dodge the red spheres. Hit the white spheres with red stars and you'll bounce back. Get all the blue spheres to get the Chaos Emerald. Get all 7 along with 50 rings to turn into Super Sonic! The other stage is when you get 50 rings and jump into the circling star ring above the starpost. The clear bubbles are regular bubbles. The gray bubbles with rings in them give you 10 rings. The black bubbles are bumpers. The REP bubbles renew the side bumpers and catapults at the bottom. The B bubbles are shield bubbles. The blue ones give you a bubble shield. The yellow ones give you a lightning shield. The red ones give you a fire shield.
The Codes
Level Select
When "SEGA" fades out and right when Sonic is flying in, type Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up. You may have to try this a whole bunch of times, but it does work. If you hear a ring, it worked. At the title screen, press Up or Down untill the words "Sound Test" appear. Press Start there for the level select menu.
Debug Mode
Just hold A when you press start on the level you want to play in level select or on a savegame. Use B to switch between sonic and an object, Use A to change the object, Use C to place the object on the screen.
All Chaos Emeralds
Go into level select and use that sound test to play sounds 2, 4, 5, 6 in that order. The Chaos Emerald sound will play. Now, just pick your level and press Start (hold A if you want debug). If you reset or go back to the title screen, you will have to retype the code.
Pick A Special-Stage and Secret Special-Stage
If you got the level select code to work, you can pick one easy special stage to play 7 times to get your emeralds or play the secret special stage. Turn the sound test to any number 0-7 (where 0 is special stage one, 1 is 2 ... and 7 is the secret special stage) Now, either select the option "Special Stage 2" and hold A and press Start (keep holding A untill the level starts) or start the game and hold A everytime you go into a big ring.
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