Welcome to Taurus4's Walkthrough for Sonic the Hedgehog 2!
Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Are You Up 2 It?
Catchy clich�, don't you think? Created November 24, 1992, this game blew Sonic 1 away! Twice as many zones, an awesome 3D pipe special stage, the ability to turn into Super Sonic, and the debut of that lovable fox, Miles "Tails" Prower. Below are the basics of getting past all 11 zones and some great codes to help.
Emerald Hill Zone
This is the first zone in this game and the easiest as well. Not many dangers here. The most annoying badnik to watch out for is Coconuts. His exploding Coconuts cause a lot of problems. Unlike Sonic 1, this game has 2 acts for every zone, except Metropolis zone. At the end of Act 2, you must fight Robotnik in a landrover with a drill attached to the front. Jump the drill and land on the top of the vehicle to score a hit. After 7 hits, Robotnik will come by again, but he will shoot the drill off. Jump the drill and land on him to get rid of him.
Chemical Plant Zone
In this zone, you're in one of Robotnik's factories. The badniks are easy to avoid, but the Mega Muck is harder. Mega Muck is a liquid that Sonic will fall in and drown within seconds. Stay away from it at all costs. The boss of this zone is pretty easy. Robotnik will suck up the Mega Muck below and try to drop it on him. Avoid him and hit him while he's sucking it up. Eight hits will kill him.
Aquatic Ruin Zone
Another water stage. You should try to stay above the water at all times. If you stay on the platforms above, you may never have to go above the water in either act. I've done it. Watch out for the pillars that shoot arrows out of them. The Act 2 boss here is 2 pillars. Robotnik will float overhead and pound the two pillars. When he pounds a pillar an arrow will fly out and hit the other pillar. Dodge the arrow and jump on it, then jump at Robotnik. He will move to the other pillar and repeat the pattern. Hit him 8 times and he's done for.
Casino Night Zone
This stage is kind of similar to Spring Yard zone in Sonic 1. There are bumpers and springs everywhere. To play the slots, jump in the silver circles with 3 pictures above them. If you land on 3 Jackpots, you get 200 rings. Three Robotniks take away 200 rings. Press the jump button to bounce off the flippers. The only badniks here is Crawl, a small robot with a shield. To get rid of him, you must attack him from behind. In Act 2, Robotnik floats in the air in his Egg-O-Matic dropping spiked mines on you. Dodge them and the red pellets they send flying when they explode. He will also drop down and try to pick you up. Jump on the flippers and bounce up at him. Eight hits gets rid of him.
Hill Top Zone
This is a pretty tame zone, the aboveground part that is. The Sols, orbinauts with fireballs revolving around them, are easy to dodge. When you see a board with a badnik resting on one side, jump on it to send the badnik flying in the air. Run to the other side. he badnik will fall back down where you were, bouncing you up in the air. Underground, the badniks aren't to hard to cope with, but you have to avoid the lava that rises up. In Act 2, there are some hills above the lava. There is a pool of lava resting in between. Robotnik will come up and try to torch you with fire. Jump to the other platform and hit him when he comes back up. Eight hits gets rid of him.
Mystic Cave Zone
This zone is an underground area where Robotnik is searching for the legendary Chaos Emeralds. Of course, they're not here. But many of his badniks are. Spikes and fast pillars can get rid of you real fast unless you're quick to avoid them. Flasher is a bug badnik that you can't hit unless he's not flashing. Crawlton is a caterpillar badnik that will pop out of the rocks. He can be easily defeated. If you see a vine, pull on it. It usually opens up a bridge or a wall leading to another area. Some vines act like elevators, and pull you up or lower you down. In Act 2, Robotnik uses a drill machine to attack you. Watch out when he goes in the ceiling or comes out of it, for staclatites are falling out of the ceiling. When Robotnik is on the ground, watch out when his drills are in front of the machine. Hit him on top now. Stay away when the drills are on top, because he's about to go into the ceiling. Eight hits defeats him.
Oil Ocean Zone
Here's another one of Robotnik's factories, except this time, it's oil-ridden. If you stay in the oil too long, you'll drown. Watch out for Aquis, a badnik shaped like a sea-horse. Octus, an octopus badnik, doesn't cause much trouble. You can't do anything when you're being propelled by the steam vents, so just hang on and enjoy the ride. At the end of Act 2, Robotnik will attack much like Hill Top zone. He will come out of the oil and try to shoot you with 3 lasers. Dodge the lasers and hit him before he goes back in. A scorpion tail will then come out. Dodge it and Robotnik will come back up and repeat the pattern. Eight hits defeats him.
Metropolis Zone
This is the only zone in the game with 3 acts. There are 3 badniks to deal with in here, but only one of them causes a major problem. Asteron, a star badnik, shoots his appendages off at you. It's very difficult to dodge. At the end of Act 3, you must fight Robotnik again. He will have spheres revolving around him. Hit him to make a sphere come off and turn into a Robotnik balloon. Spin attack it to burst it. After 7 hits he will have no spheres left. He will try to shoot lasers at you. Dodge them and hit him once more to kill him off.
Sky Chase Zone
This zone is short and sweet, well, maybe not sweet. Tails will fly you through the air on his biplane. You can't fall off the plane unless you spin dash, so don't even try it! This zone is pretty easy nonetheless, all you have to do is take out the badniks. Only one act too. After Wing Fortress zone passes by you (isn't there a sky speed limit?), you must destroy a few more badniks before you cruise on to Wing Fortress Zone.
Wing Fortress Zone
Like Sky Chase, this zone only has one act. Unlike Sky Chase, this zone has a boss at the end of the act. This zone is pretty easy too. The only badnik is Clucker, a robot chicken in a tank. Watch out for the propellers and hang on to the boxes when the wind is pushing you through the air. At the end of the act, Robotnik traps you in between two laser beams. A larger laser beam fires at you from the top. Dodge it's blasts and jump on the small rotating platforms. Hit the laser beam 8 times and Robotnik will run away and hop in his ship. Jump to the right of the hole for a 1-up and fall in the hole to see him take off. You will jump on Tails plane and grab the ship for a free flight to Robotnik's base in outer space.
The Death Egg
In this one act stage, you must fight 2 bosses before finally defeating Robotnik. The first is a "Mecha Sonic". Jump over his spin attacks when he rolls on the ground and run under them when he jumps in the air. When he stands in one corner and rolls his spines, hit him on the head. Spin dash him when he dashes at you. Eight hits will bring this "Mecha Sonic" to a stop. Now you must fight Robotnik in his giant robot machine. This mech is a giant Robotnik. Back away when he walks forward and hit his belly when he's standing still. When he flies up in the air, get out of the way quick or you'll be crushed. If he lands in front of you, he'll shoot his hands out, so jump over them. If he lands in front of you, he'll launch 2 bombs. Get out of the way before they explode. Twelve hits and you've defeated Robotnik. Sit back and watch the ending.
The Special Stage
This is a great Mode 7 special stage in which you run in a 3D pipe collecting rings. You must collect a certain number of rings before you reach a certain point in the stage. If you have enough rings each of the three times, you are awarded with a Chaos Emerald at the end. The stages get progressively harder. Once you have all 7 Chaos Emeralds, get 50 rings in the middle of the regular game. Jump up in the air to become Super Sonic! You are invincible and can knock enemies out just by touching them. You also become even faster. Your rings run out though, so keep getting them to stay super.
The Codes
Level Select
Go into options and use sound test to play sounds 19, 65, 9, 17 in that order. A ring should sound. Then, go to the title screen, select 1 player, hold A and press Start.
Debug Mode
Go into level select and use that sound test to play sounds 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4 in that order. A ring should sound. Now, select your stage, hold A and press Start. Keep holding A until Sonic appears. Now, within the game:
Use B to switch between sonic and an object,
Use A to change the object,
Use C to place the object on the screen.
All Chaos Emeralds
Go into level select and use that sound test to play sounds 4, 1, 2, 6 in that order. The Chaos Emerald theme should play. Now, just select your stage and press Start. (hold A if you typed in debug)
14 Continues
Go into options and use that sound test to play sounds 1, 1, 2, 4 in that order. You have to move to the player select option and press Start there for this code to work. (hold A if you typed in debug) The Oil Ocean music will play through the whole game and there will be no sound effects, but you do have 14 continues.
"Tails" to Miles
At the title screen, press up, up, up, down, down, down, up untill a ring sounds. Now, start a game as Tails. Everything that says "Tails" now says Miles (Tail's real first name).
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